NuVet Plus
At Shawnee Goldens, we highly recommend NuVet vitamins. In fact, we believe in this supplement so much, that we extend our health guarantee if NuVet wafers are given daily. Not only do they provide essential vitamins and minerals, they boost the immune system, protect from free radical damage, and protect joints, skin and hair.
Order here with code 783561.
NuVet Plus fills the immunity gap all puppies experience. Shortly after birth maternal antibody effectiveness is greatly reduced. By 8 weeks your puppy’s immune system is at a vulnerable point. Once in their new home, the immune system is weakened by the stress of adoption and exposure to novel bacteria and viruses in their environment. Starting NuVet at a young age ensures that the immune system is supported during it's most vulnerable state. This is Bella, one of our upcoming dams.
NuVet Plus
As an English Cream Golden Retriever breeder, animal health is our top priority. That's why NuVet Plus immune system builder is required as part of your pet’s extended Health Guarantee. To assure your puppy gets off to the right start, they have been enjoying NuVet Plus every day as a treat (they love the taste). Continuing this daily regimen is the easiest and best way to keep your pet on the path to perfect health!
Hundreds of thousands of dogs and cats are using NuVet to support their immune system and provide optimal health. A strong immune system will protect them from environmental and food toxins such as back yard pesticides, hormones, germs from public places, and even toxic formaldehyde in furniture and carpeting. This is not just a vitamin. It’s an immune system builder with a precise balance of vitamins, minerals, omega fatty acids, amino acids and high-potency antioxidants. That’s why it works so well through all three stages of a dog’s life.
NuVet improves the luster of their skin and coat while providing the necessary antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins, mineral and more to sustain their body’s peak performance during the prime of their lives.
*This is one of the many Champions in our lines, whose call name is Archie. He currently resides in the United Kingdom, and one of his titles, among many is the UK Top Stud of All Breeds 2015. (See his pedigree here. Photo copyright by Kipps.)
-Helps provide the nutritional support needed to ensure dogs live a long and healthy life. NuVet Plus protects against free radical damage and helps to repair cells. NuVet also manufacturers a joint supplement, to ensure your dog can keep moving with ease even as he gets older.
Pictured is 'Dutch', Break of Dawn Taken by Storm, who is Layla's grandfather and titled as International (USA) Champion in 2012. Read more about him here, and see his pedigree here.
NuVet's Standard and Process
NuVet Plus is America’s premier pet immune system support supplement incorporating a precise formula of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, herbs and antioxidants that perform synergistically to bring together all of the vital ingredients required to maintain optimal health. NuVet Plus is made in the USA using natural, human grade ingredients that are formulated in an FDA registered pharmaceutical laboratory. Check out the impressive ingredient list below.
ALFALFA (Canine formula only) - A nutritious source of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, chlorophyll, and dietary fiber. Functions as a prebiotic, helps proper digestion by influencing enzyme activity in the gastrointestinal tract. Promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria. Helps to maintain a healthy appetite and assists in proper urinary bowel function. An excellent source of Vitamin K.
ALPHA AMYLASE - A digestive enzyme that augments the metabolism of carbohydrates. Assists in the absorption of nutrients into the cellular network.
AMINO ACIDS - Assists in building new muscle, bone and tendon cells. Plays an important role in supporting a healthy metabolism, brain and immune system function.
BETA CAROTENE – Serves as a powerful antioxidant that helps maintain a strong immune system. It converts into Vitamin A as needed by the body. Promotes healthy vision, skin and coat.
BLUE GREEN ALGAE - A rich nutritional food that contains essential amino acids, chlorophyll and trace minerals. Helps support a healthy immune system. Promotes intestinal regularity, purification of the blood and assists in stabilizing proper blood sugar levels. Aids in mineral-absorption.
BREWER’S YEAST - A balanced, natural source of B-vitamins, including folic acid, that promotes healthy skin, coat, nerves and eyes.
CAT’S CLAW (Uña de Gato) - A Peruvian herb with amazing properties. Nourishes the immune system, enhances white blood cell formation and promotes cardiovascular health.
CHICKEN LIVER - A rich source of essential amino acids, B-vitamins & folic acid, iron, copper and magnesium. Promotes a healthy nervous system. Helps maintain proper digestion, tissue development and production of red blood cells. COPPER - Promotes the body’s natural processes. An important mineral that supports healthy nerves, joints and skin.
EVENING PRIMROSE OIL - An essential fatty acid that helps support a healthy cardiovascular system. It is also used to maintain healthy skin, coat, and bone structure.
FOLIC ACID - Necessary for healthy growth and division of cells. Helps regulate embryonic and fetal nerve cell formation. Needed for the formation of healthy red blood cells and energy production. Strengthens immunity by helping the formation and functioning of healthy white blood cells. Promotes liver and glandular health.
RON - Helps with protein metabolism and promotes proper tissue growth. Important for energy production and a healthy immune system.
L-METHIONINE - An essential amino acid that helps to buffer and eliminate heavy metals in the body. Promotes healthy histamine levels in the body. It is also a powerful antioxidant and a good source of sulfur, which neutralizes free radicals and helps promote healthy skin, coat and nails.
MAGNESIUM - Important for energy and provides support for healthy bones, teeth, and arteries. Promotes cardiovascular health, and a healthy nervous system.
MANGANESE - Needed for normal skeletal and nerve development and for proper lubrication of the joints. Required for protein, fat metabolism and blood sugar regulation.
OYSTER SHELL - Provides calcium and phosphorus in the proper ratio for structural integrity of bones and teeth. Calcium is vital for the functioning of the heart, nerves and muscles. Phosphorus is essential for proper blood clotting, cell growth and kidney function.
PAPAIN - Helps in proper protein digestion. Supports a healthy metabolism and gastrointestinal tract.
PINE BARK (Pycnogenol®) - Extracted from the bark of French maritime pine trees, Pycnogenol® contains a natural blend of bioflavonoids. An effective antioxidant that promotes healthy cells and vital tissues. Helps combat free radicals. It has been shown to support cardiovascular health and joints.
POTASSIUM – Important for maintaining regular heart rhythm, a healthy nervous system and correct muscle function. Works with sodium to regulate the amount of water in the cells.
SELENIUM - A mineral needed for pancreatic function and tissue elasticity. Plays a vital role in regulating thyroid hormone and fat metabolism. When combined with Vitamin E, it helps in the production of antibodies and to maintain a healthy heart and liver. Promotes a healthy immune system.
SHARK CARTIL AGE (Sourced from non-endangered species.) – An effective ingredient that supports healthy bones and muscles. Clinically, it has been shown to help maintain a strong and healthy immune system.
TAURINE (Feline formula only) - An essential amino acid that aids in the digestion of fats in the small intestine. It helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels by supporting the liver. Vital for maintaining healthy blood pressure levels and balancing the health of the heart muscle. It also balances the levels of sodium, potassium and magnesium in the cells. Also maintains the integrity of the retina of the eye.
VITAMIN B COMPLEX - Helps the functioning of the brain and the nervous system. Promotes muscle tone in the gastrointestinal tract. Helps to maintain healthy skin, coat, eyes, mouth and liver. VITAMIN B1 (THIAMINE) - Essential for normal functioning of the heart, nerves, muscles, skin and digestive system.
VITAMIN B2 (RIBOFLAVIN) - Necessary for carbohydrate-fatprotein metabolism, and red blood cell and antibody formation. Essential for maintaining healthy eyes, skin, and coat.
VITAMIN B3 (NIACIN) - Promotes proper growth and function of the nervous system. Also helps maintenance of healthy skin, tongue and digestive system.
VITAMIN B5 (PANTOTHENIC ACID) - Known for proper mood balance properties. Plays an important role in the production of the adrenal hormones and the formation of antibodies. Promotes normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
VITAMIN B6 (PYRIDOXINE) - Necessary for carbohydrate-fat-protein metabolism, antibody and red blood cell formation. Assists with proper digestion.
VITAMIN B12 (COBALAMIN) – Helps maintain the fatty sheaths that cover and protect nerve endings. Promotes proper cell formation and cellular longevity. Helps in the utilization of iron. Important for maintaining healthy red blood cells and neurological function.
VITAMIN C (ESTER C®) - A powerful antioxidant that is vital for the immune system and a myriad of metabolic processes in the body. Promotes the formation of collagen, healthy tissue and cell growth. Promotes the proper adrenal gland function. Helps to eliminate heavy metals from the body. Supports healthy eyesight.
VITAMIN E – A very effective antioxidant that protects the cell structure against free radicals. Aids in the utilization of Vitamin A. Important for maintaining a healthy immune system, blood circulation and proper formation of tissue and cell growth. Supports cardiovascular health, red blood cells and neurological function.
WHEY PROTEIN (Feline formula only) - A highly-digestible and complete protein containing 20 amino acids including methionine, lysine, and taurine. (Cats are unable to produce their own taurine as dogs do). Contains peptides that help boost the immune system.
ZINC - Required for protein synthesis and collagen formation. Promotes normal growth and cell division. Helps to maintain normal levels of Vitamin A in the body. Works with red blood cells to move carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs. Promotes a healthy immune
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